RULE 66-



(a) Yardmen will be considered for positions of yardmaster and assistant yardmaster not filled by employees of the yardmaster classification under applicable provisions of agreement between the Company and that craft. Yardmen assigned to positions of yardmaster under this rule will not forfeit their seniority as yardmen.


(b) Displaced Yardmasters: Regular yardmen, when relieved or displaced from position of yardmaster or assistant yardmaster, will return to their regular position as yardman, except in cases where their regular position as yardman has been bulletined for seniority choice, in which case they will be permitted to exercise their seniority as yardmen.


(c) Relinquishing Position: A yardmaster, regular or extra, who voluntarily relinquishes his seniority as yardmaster may exercise his seniority In either road or yard service, subject to the governing provisions of this schedule agreement.