Yard Conditions
Rule 8

Northwestern District (Huntington and




Agreed upon interpretation of term ''Yard Conditions'' in agreements adopted effective August 1, 1951, as a revision of Article 12, Section 3 - Final Terminal Delay Freight - in B of LE and B of LF&E working agreements, Article 12(c) - Final Delay and work allowance - in ORC and BRT working agreements.


1. Q - An incoming freight train arrives at east-end of Kenton from The Dalles and is stopped by a yard crew performing switching. After a period of time the road crew continues to point where setout is made, makes setout and continues to Albina where train is yarded and crew ties up.

A - Road crew's final terminal delay will start at time stopped by yard crew at east end Kenton and continue till final tie-up less the time consumed in making setout at Kenton.

2. Q - An incoming road crew from Seattle lire is stopped at Penn Jct. by a yard crew working there or is prevented from making setout account yard crew working. After a period of time the road train is permitted to proceed or to make setout continues to Albina and ties up.

A - Road crew's final terminal delay will start at time stopped or prevented from making setout at Penn Jct. and continue till final tie-up less time consumed in making setout at Penn Jct.

3. Q - Road crew arrives at Kenton from The Dalles, sets out and proceeds to Collins where stopped or is held at Kenton yard by a yard transfer movement either coming from Albina or via the "H" line from Barnes.

A - Road crew in such case would not be entitled to start final terminal delay time account the transfer movement is an opposing movement. If, however, the transfer movement is interrupted to perform switching or spotting en route, the road crew would start final terminal delay time from time stopped at Collins or from time held at Kenton yard.

4. Q - Incoming road train from Seattle line is stopped at Penn Jct. by yard movement across the "H" line.

A - If such movement is not interrupted to perform switching or spot ting during the time the Seattle line is blocked by the yard

movement final terminal time for the road crew will not be started.

5. Q - Incoming road train is stopped or delayed account opposing road train movement or opposing road train stopped to make pickup.

A - Final terminal delay time would not start on this account.

6. Q- Incoming road train overtakes a preceding road train or preceding yard transfer movement and is stopped by same.

A - Road crew will commence final terminal delay time at time so stopped.

7. Q - Road crew makes setout at Kenton or Penn Jct. and, after re-coupling and ready to proceed, is prevented from so doing by yard crew performing switching.

A - Final terminal delay will start when road crew is ready to proceed.

8. Q - Incoming road crew is stopped account no yard room to receive train or to accommodate setout.

A - Road crew will start final terminal delay time at time stopped for such reason

9. Q - Incoming road crew is stopped account signal out of order or track conditions.

A - Road crew so stopped not entitled to start final terminal delay at such point.

10. Q - Incoming road crew from either Seattle or The Dalles lines is stopped at interlocking signal governing entrance to tunnel account movement of yard transfer from Albina yard to St. Johns line or movement from St. Johns line to Albina.

A - If such movement is from Albina to St. Johns line it will be considered an opposing train and will not entitle incoming road crew to start final terminal delay time when stopped at the interlocking signal. If such movement is from the St. Johns line toward Albina it will be considered a preceding movement and the incoming road crew will start final terminal delay time at time stopped for interlocking signal. In either event the road crew will be expected to ascertain from operator at St. Johns Jct. the reason for the stop.

S/ 0. H. Newman

Asst. to Vice Pres.


S/ A.F. Zimmerman, Gen. Chairman, BLE

S/ W.B. Hawkins, Gen. Chairman, BLF&E

S/ H.W. Corbett, Gen. Chairman, ORC

S/ D.B. Piccock, Gen. Chairman, BRT

Portland, Oregon - May 5, 1953


