1		When a strike has been inaugurated by the United Transportation
2	Union, the International President shall be the recognized leader and
3	shall have authority, in conjunction with the Board of Trustees, to
4	appropriate from the Strike Fund such money for legal assistance and
5	incidental expenses as may be required for a successful prosecution of
6 	the strike.
7		Every member of the United Transportation Union shall be duty
8 	bound to comply with strike orders of the United Transportation Union.
9 	A member who neglects or refuses to do so and who takes the place
10 	or performs the duties of a striking member shall be expelled from the
11 	United Transportation Union upon conviction thereof under the trial
12 	procedures of this Constitution.
13 		Any member of the United Transportation Union who crosses the
14 	picket lines of the United Transportation Union, or the picket lines of
15 	any other railroad union(s) that the United Transportation Union has
16 	recognized as on legal authorized strike, for the purpose of assisting
17 	the struck carrier(s) by rendering service, consultation, or advice for
18 	wages, profit, gain, or gratis, will pay a fine of one thousand dollars
19 	($1,000.00), and in addition to such fine if such member received any
20 	wages, compensation, or remuneration for time, expense, consultation,
21 	for service rendered to such carrier(s) during the strike that member
22 	will also be fined two dollars ($2.00) for every one dollar ($1.00)
23 	received upon conviction thereof under the trial procedures of this
24 	Constitution.
25 		The cost and expense of such trials will be borne solely by the locals
26 	conducting the trials and all fines collected by such locals will be retained
27 	by the local conducting the trial.
28 		Any member of the United Transportation Union who participates
29 	in a strike which has not been legally authorized shall be expelled from
30 	the United Transportation Union upon conviction thereof under the trial


31	procedures of this Constitution.
32		The International President and the General Committee of
33	Adjustment may terminate a strike or discontinue any and all strike
34	benefits. In the event of a difference of opinion between the
35	International President and the General Committee of Adjustment as to
36	the advisability of terminating a strike the matter shall be referred to
37	the Board of Directors for a final decision. A difference of opinion as to
38	the discontinuance of strike benefits shall be decided by the Board of
39 	Trustees.
40		Strikes inaugurated by the United Transportation Union - Members
41	of crafts represented by the United Transportation Union who engage
42	in a strike inaugurated by the United Transportation Union, including
43	striking members who were employed under the jurisdiction of another
44	organization, will be paid strike benefits as provided herein beginning
45	with the third day following the day on which the strike was
46 	inaugurated.
47		Strikes inaugurated by other recognized Unions - Members of the
48 	United Transportation Union, who are unemployed due to any
49 	recognized union representing employees of the railroads or other
50 	transportation companies being on legal strike, shall be allowed strike
51 	benefits for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days as though they were
52	active participants in the strike. However, the sixty (60) days limit may
53	be extended in unusual circumstances determined by the International
54 	President, and the Board of Trustees.
55		Qualifications - In order to qualify for strike benefits, members
56 	must withdraw from service at the outset of the strike, register each
57 	day, and perform or be available to perform picket duty as required by
58 	the local having jurisdiction. A member must verify his/her correct
59 	address and social security number with the Local Treasurer for the
60 	purpose of mailing benefit checks.
61		Strike benefits will be $50.00 per day and will not exceed a
62 	maximum of $600.00 per month.
63		Strike benefits shall be allowed for a period not to exceed one
64 	hundred twenty (120) days as the result of one strike. However, the
65 	one hundred twenty (120) days' limit may be extended in unusual
66 	circumstances determined by the International President, and the Board
67 	of Trustees, except as specified in lines 35-43.
68		Procedures for claiming benefits - Upon inauguration of a strike by
69 	the United Transportation Union or upon authorization of strike benefits
70 	to UTU members in the case of a recognized Union representing
71 	employees of railroads or other transportation companies being on legal
72 	strike, the International President of the UTU shall notify the General
73 	Secretary and Treasurer accordingly.
74		Upon receipt of such notification, the General Secretary and
75 	Treasurer shall prepare a list, in duplicate, and furnish each local
76 	involved, showing all members of each local having jurisdiction over
77 	striking members or members who may be affected by a legal strike or
78 	a recognized union as they appear on monthly billing including home


79 	addresses, space for social security number or social insurance number,
80      occupation and length of service which shall be identified as Form #1.
81 	The President and Treasurer of each local shall complete Form #1 by 
82 	filling in the required blanks and return one (1) copy to the General 
83 	Secretary and Treasurer within ten (10) days. Form #1 must be signed 
84 	by the President and Treasurer of the local and notarized by a notary 
85 	public.
86		Upon return of Form #1, the General Secretary and Treasurer shall
87	prepare a strike payroll, in duplicate, from the information contained
88	therein. The strike payroll shall be known as Form #2 and shall list
89	striking members in alphabetical order with space provided for number
90	of days for which payment is claimed and amount of payment due.
91	The local treasurer will fill in the spaces as indicated noting any
92	changes from Form #1, i.e., additions, deletions, E-49, sick or injured,
93	vacation, death, retired, or members who, for any reason, are not
94	available for picketing or other duties required by the local. The
95	treasurer shall return the completed Form #2 on the 15th and the last
96	day of the month. The local seal must be affixed to all payrolls.
97		Upon receipt of strike payrolls, the General Secretary and
98	Treasurer, when directed by the International President, shall issue
99	checks drawn upon the strike fund for payment. The General Secretary
100	and Treasurer will mail strike benefits to all members entitled to receive
101	benefits, whose proper address appears on Form #1. A copy of Form
102	#2 will be mailed to the Local Treasurer.
103		In the event of a general strike by the United Transportation Union
104	or by other unions representing employees of railroads or other
105	transportation companies, the International President in conjunction
106	with the Vice President or other officer handling the strike and the
107	Board of Trustees, may suspend all strike benefits if such action
108	becomes necessary for the protection of the United Transportation
109	Union's funds.
110		When a strike of any other nationally recognized labor organization
111	is in effect and danger to the safety of our members exists in or about
112	the area affected by the strike, and/or if there exists any substantial
113	present or potential threat of danger to the members enroute to or
114	from their work, and/or to the members' families, it is the policy of 
115	United Transportation Union to support its members in declining to
116	enter the territory directly affected.