(Letter 5-A)

Mr. R. E. Carter
General Chairman, UTU-T
P. O. Box 1333
Pocatello, Idaho 83204

Mr. D. L. Smith
General Chairman, UTU C&T
165 South West Temple
Arrowpress Square, Suite 110-6
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

cc: Mr. B. A. Boyd
International Vice Pres., UTU
7545 20th Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98115

Dear Gentlemen:

This  confirms  our understanding with respect  to  the
Traveling Switcher Agreement of this date.

1. The rules and regulations relating to the
establishment of assignments at locations where food and
lodging are available will apply to traveling switcher

2. Seniority lines of demarcation at Salt Lake City, Utah
will be respected.

3. Assignments established pursuant to the traveling
switcher agreement will be covered by the schedule rules
governing meals, lockers and sanitary facilities.

4. Assignments established pursuant to the traveling
switcher agreement shall be subject to the Holiday Pay
provisions of the National Agreements.

5. All new and existing travel-ing switchers will receive
traveling switcher rate of pay through April 30, 1991.
Effective May 1, 1991 the five-day yard rate of pay will
apply to all traveling switcher assignments.

Please indicate your agreement by signing in the space



R. E. Carter
General Chairman, UTU-T

D. L. Smith
General Chairman, UTU-C

Yours truly,

L. A. Lambert

Director Labor Relations