ITEM ‑ 92(a‑l0)


April 1, 1976


The agreement which establishes dual rights for yardmen and brakemen provides that employee who commence work in yard service will, for the purpose of determining the road district on which they wil1 hold road seniority, select One of the freight seniority districts contained within the confines of the division on which they are employed. It is your contention that new employee are not familiar with the various road districts and should be allowed to change their road dis­trict at a later date, if they so desire:




l. An employe may, within three years of his employment date as a yardman‑brakeman and with the approval of the General Manager and General Chair­man change his road seniority district.


2. Such change can be made only to another freight seniority district on the same operating division.


3. An employe who requests and receives approval for such transfer will relinquish his road seniority date on the freight district from which he transfers. He will establish a new road seniority date on the freight district to which he transfers on the date the transfer is approved by the General Manager and General Chairman.


4. An employe transferring from one freight seniority district to another under the provisions of this agreement will retain his original yard­man's seniority date.


5. Only one transfer per employe will be allowed.


6. No claims will be presented or progressed as a result of employee transferring their road seniority districts under the provisions of this agreement.


7. This agreement is effective April 1, 1976 and will automatically terminate 10 days after written notice is served by either party on the other of desire to do so.