ITEM ‑ 85




 (1) The following shall be inserted as Paragraph (c‑l) of Rule 85:


"Prior to the implementation of the appeal process set forth in Paragraph (d) of this Rule 85, there shall be a conference with the involved parties (Local Chairman, local Operating officers and Manager of Labor Relations). The conference wil1 be held within 90 days from the date the conference is requested by the Local Chairman. If the conference is not held within 90 days or if the conference is held and a claim is not resolved, Paragraph (d) shal1 apply. It is understood the time limit requirements of Paragraph (d) shal1 not begin to run until the date the conference is held or, if no conference is held, until 90 days after the Local Chairman's request for conference."


(2) This Agreement may be terminated by service of a 30‑day written notice by either party On the other.


Signed at Omaha, Nebraska, this 5th day of January, 1983.