

The Union Pacific Railroad Company and the Eastern District United Transportation Union (C&T), jointly recognizing that safety is the paramount concern and, further, that an alcohol and drug free environment is an essential element in maintaining a safe work place, agree to the following to ensure the utmost compliance with Rule G:

1. An employe who has been dismissed from service as a result of violating Rule G may elect to participate in the Rule G Rehabilitation/Education Program (Rule G R/E Program or Program), provided:

(a) The employe has had no Rule G offense on his or her record for at least ten (10) years; and

(b) The employe has not participated in the Rule G R/E Program for at least ten (10) years; and

(c) The incident giving rise to the dismissal did not involve significant rule violations other than Rule G.

2. Participation in the Rule G R/E Program shall continue for a period of 12 months unless the employe elects to withdraw from the Program or fails to follow the course of treatment established by the Employe Assistance Counselor.

3. A letter, notifying the employe of the availability of the Rule G R/E Program and containing a request form to be completed by the employe, shall be attached to the Notice of Dismissal.

4. The employe may elect to participate in the Rule G R/E Program by completing and returning the request form to the Carrier Officer who signed the Notice of Dismissal within 10 days of receipt of the Notice.

5. The employe must contact the Employe Assistance Counselor within three days of electing to participate in the Rule G R/E Program.

6. After being contacted, the Employe Assistance Counselor shall evaluate the employe to determine whether or not the employe may safely be returned to service and the course of treatment which the employe should follow.

7. If the evaluation indicates that the employe may safely be returned to service, he or she shall be returned to service on a probationary basis, with all seniority unimpaired. Following return to service, the employe must follow the course of treatment established by the counselor during the remainder of the Program.

8. If the evaluation indicates that the employe may not safely be returned to service, he or she shall continue in the status of a dismissed employe until subsequent evaluation(s) indicate that it is safe to return the employe to service on a probationary basis. The employe must follow the course of treatment established by the counselor while out of service and after return to service during the remainder of the Program.

9. If, at any time during the 12-month period referred to in paragraph "2" above, the employe fails to follow the course of treatment established by the counselor, the Carrier shall remove the employe from the Program. If the employe has been returned to service, the Carrier shall, without the necessity of further disciplinary proceedings, also remove the employe from service and the employe shall revert to the status of a dismissed employe.

10. An employe may withdraw from the Rule G R/E Program at any time by notifying, in writing, the counselor and the Carrier Officer who signed the Notice of Dismissal. If the employe has been returned to service, the Carrier shall, without the necessity of further disciplinary proceedings, remove the employe from service and the employe shall revert to the status of a dismissed employe.

11. If the employe successfully completes the Rule G R/E Program, a notation to that effect shall be placed on the employe's Personal Record and the employe's probationary status shall terminate and all seniority and other rights shall be restored.

12. No claims shall be progressed by or on behalf of the employe based on time lost as a result of the incident leading to the employe's participating in the Rule G R/E Program.

13. This Agreement is effective April 10, 1984, and may be terminated by either party upon service of five day's written notice upon the other party.

Signed at Omaha, Nebraska, this 10th day of April, 1984.


F. A. Garges - General Chairman


Richard Meredith - Director-Labor Relations
