Note: The process prescribed herein is in no way intended to circumvent or supersede any appeal process provided for in schedule labor agreements.

A. Scope:

        Management will be held accountable for ensuring the proper and fair application of all disciplinary policies and/or actions. Specific problems regarding improper application and/or misuse of any portion of the disciplinary process will be monitored and resolved through the procedures outlined below.

B. Discipline Monitoring Process:

        1. Quarterly reviews, by request of either party, will be held between local Union Representatives and Superintendents (or equivalent) to discuss the discipline process and:

a. Review discipline applied for consistency, fairness, etc.
b. Issues discussed will be documented
c. Problem areas identified will be handled by the Superintendent with the Manager and made part of the "Values" portion of the Manager's Performance Review (PDR).
d. Additionally, when indicated, such Managers will be retrained in the proper administration of the disciplinary process.

        2. If not satisfied with the results of the above described quarterly review, the Union Representative may escalate issues in question to the General Chairman/Vice President level. If, at this level of handling, the Superintendent is determined to have taken either no or inappropriate corrective action, this fact will be reflected in the "Values" portion of both the Manager's and Superintendent's PDR.

        3. The database or program, currently used to track all disciplinary related information, will be modified so as to include the name of the Manager who initiates disciplinary action.